That's not tea, pal, it just looks like it.The official
Frank Sinatra Day is quite upon us! A mere
4 days away! And many of us are still without a good idea of how we will celebrate. It could only be proper to include a lot of
cigarettes, a
fedora, and some amount of
brown liquor... which brings us to the question, "
what will I be drinking on May 13th, the official Frank Sinatra Day?"As most avid
Fan-atras (you like that? i just made it up.) may already know,
Frank was a big fan of the
Jack Daniels. It seems only right that JD should be brought into the celebration then. Right?
Alas and alack, I shall have need to celebrate with a JD lover, for I haven't the palate myself for Bourbon.
I do, however, appreciate a cheap scotch. For this reason, I think I'll be having my other boyfriend,
Johnny Walker, over for dinner.
I know, you're asking "
won't your first boyfriend (Frank) be a little upset about you partying with another man?" My answer to you is,
Frank and I have a
long distance romance, and we recognize the need to resume an open relationship to avoid the pitfalls of extreme loneliness. Don't worry though, the aforementioned bourbon lover who'll be celebrating with JW and I will be
purely platonic.